Hypnotic, the History of hypnotism

HYPNOTISM is by no means a new art. True, it has been developed into a science in comparatively recent years. But the principles of thought control have been used for thousands of years in India, ancient Egypt, among the Persians, Chinese and in many other ancient lands. Miracles of healing by the spoken word and laying on of hands are recorded in many early writings. The priests and medicine men of primitive tribes used these forces widely and still use them to-day, with results sufficiently impressive to maintain their traditional position of authority for successive generations.

The father of modern hypnotism was Mesmer, a native of Vienna, who moved to Paris in 1778, and attracted a large following through reports of thousands of cures. Like many pioneers, the theory which he advanced to explain his work was later discredited. This was called animal magnetism. He believed that a magnetic fluid flowed from the operator to the patient which contained miraculous healing power. Those who followed Mesmer proved conclusively that there was no such magnetic current, but that the force which operated was in reality mental suggestion. Mesmer, who was a good showman, also made extensive use of passes and gestures, and of complicated apparatus made up of magnetic wires and rods, quite useless, of course, except as a way of impressing a gullible patient.

Dr. James Braid, born in Manchester in 1795, after much experimentation, discarded the theory of Mesmer, proving that the same results could be obtained without Mesmer's ballyhoo, and without any belief in animal magnetism. At first Braid used no verbal suggestion in putting his patients to sleep, merely having them gaze at a bright object, held a few inches above their eyes, until they became drowsy and fell into a deep sleep, in which they responded to his commands. In his later practice he added suggestion to this physical means of hypnosis with much more excellent results. Braid was the first to use the word hypnotism, coined from the Greek word hypnos meaning sleep.

The science of hypnotism was further developed by the work of Doctors Liebault, Bernheim and Charcot some years later in France. Liebault, while using the Braid method of inducing sleep, made much more extensive use of suggestion; he was remarkable in that he practised for twenty years as a poor doctor in a remote country village, always refusing payment for his hypnotic services. Bernheim, at first a critic, later a friend and student of Liebault, organised the science of suggestive therapy into a complete system of treatment. While Bernheim and Liebault in the Nancy School, which they founded together, worked almost exclusively with healthy and normal people, whom they found to be the most satisfactory subjects, Charcot, who founded the Paris School, had his successes mainly with nervous and neurotic patients, who flocked to him in great numbers, and he accepted it as his mission to help these unfortunate people. As a neurologist and an expert in hysteria, Charcot disagreed violently with Bernheim's view that hypnotism worked on the mind of the patient, and always claimed hypnotism as a neurological rather than a psychological technique.

Outstanding among the scientists in America who have influenced the development of hypnotism were Professor William James, Dr. Boris Sidis and G. Stanley Hall. These thinkers developed the concept of the subconscious mind in explaining the phenomena of hypnotic suggestion. They taught that in hypnotism, the conscious mind of the subject was placed in a state of inaction or suspension, and that the operator was consequently able to direct his suggestions or commands directly to the subconscious.

The great Viennese psychologist, Sigmund Freud, began his career as an admirer of Bernheim and a devotee of hypnotism, but later came to believe that the technique placed the doctor too much in the position of a dictator to his patient, and preferred his own milder psychoanalytical method of "free association", the details of which need not concern us here. I need only remark that the speed of hypnotism gives it certain advantages over the slower processes of psychoanalysis, especially where, as for example in an army hospital in wartime, a large number of patients require treatment at once and the pressure of work is really high.

What these scientists have done for tens of thousands, through the years of the development of the hypnotic art, is being actively accomplished to-day. In the second part of this book I describe in detail the methods which have been used to bring better health, happiness and success to the vast number of modern patients who have enjoyed the benefits of hypnosis.

Hypnotic, the History of hypnotism

Hypnotic inductions

Hypnotic inductions
The Eight Word Hypnotic Induction

Calvin D. Banyan, MA, BCH, CI

The first time I ever saw an instant induction performed, I was watching a stage hypnotist on television. I simply didn’t believe it. I thought the woman who went instantly limp and presumably hypnotized was just playing along or worse, a shill.

Then next time I saw an instant induction performed was when Gerald F. Kein demonstrated one to our class while I was going through his NGH Certification course. Then I became a believer. I knew it could be done—at least by a master like Mr. Kein with his 25 years of experience (at the time). But, I doubted that I could do them. Now I know any student of hypnosis can master this important technique and we teach it in our NGH Hypnotherapy Certification and Advanced Hypnotherapy courses.

That was back when I was first getting started in hypnosis. I began my career as a Hypnotherapist by mastering a Dave Elman rapid induction, which took two to four minutes to induce somnambulism. But, as my practice grew, I wanted to shorten the induction time, which rekindled my interest in instant inductions.

I began reviewing my training on instant inductions from class and viewed the videotape, Instant And Rapid Inductions In A Professional Practice, produced by Gerald F. Kein. I wrote down everything verbatim. I first practiced the physical aspects of the induction on imaginary clients (a pillow sitting on my recliner in my office). I was not yet ready to attempt one on a living breathing client. This imaginary practice was important because timing is so essential in the kind of instant inductions that I use. I highly suggest that before you begin using instant inductions that you take the time to learn exactly what to say, because you cannot read a script while performing this induction. Also, you should take the time to practice the physical parts of the induction, such as dropping the client’s hand at precisely the right time.

Once I knew that I could perform the procedure as I had seen it done in class and on videotape, I recruited friends and family members to practice on. It did not take long for me to build my confidence, until I was ready to bring those instant inductions into work with me.

Deciding to be very cautious at first, I decided to begin my professional use of instant inductions by stacking the deck a little in my favor. Here is how I did that. In the beginning, I did not use Instant Inductions on a first session. I decided to use them in a second session. In the first session, I continued to use the Elman Induction, but as soon as I had established that my clients were in hypnosis, I would give them the post-hypnotic suggestion that, “The next time we decide to do hypnosis, all I will have to do is drop your hand and say the word, ‘Sleep,’ and you will instantly return to this level of hypnosis or deeper. If that is alright with you, just nod your head.” This way, I could confidently use the Hand Drop Instant Induction; after all, now I was using both the power of induction by post-hypnotic suggestion and the very effective Hand Drop Instant Induction.

Now, I use instant inductions for approximately 75% of my hypnotherapy sessions (including first session), which means I have used them thousands of times. At our hypnosis center we have six Hypnotherapists and we all use them. It is a common occurrence in our office, that when you are walking down the hallway that connects the offices, to hear “SLEEP!” come through the door of any office as another client instantly and reliably enters the hypnotic state, ready to do the work to be done. We also train Hypnotherapists from around the world at our Center, and our students are always excited when they learn about how reliable instant inductions are.

What I have learned is that instant inductions, like the Hand Drop Induction, are the most reliable inductions that a Hypnotherapist can use, and they may be essential in the afternoon or evenings when longer inductions may lull your client into sleep before a hypnotic state is achieved.

When I first started using instant inductions, I only used them with clients whom I expected to be the most hypnotically talented and would go easily into hypnosis. Since then, I have learned through experience that the more difficult the client appears to be, the better choice a instant induction is for the client. By “difficult” I mean clients who appear to be overly analytical, overly tired, have any difficulties concentrating or simply have a very fast way of thinking (i.e., people who talk very fast). Slower methods of induction, such as progressive relaxation, can give you problems which are avoided by using instant inductions.

When I use the term, “Instant Inductions,” I am talking about inductions that take your clients into a deep state of hypnosis instantly. This is what the professional use of hypnosis requires. There are at least four parts to such an induction: 1) focus your subject’s attention, 2) instant redirection of focus (usually a startling stimulus), 3) the word, “sleep,” and 4) instantly deepen the hypnotic state or your client will emerge.

The Hand Drop Instant Induction we use at our Center can is shown below. I am demonstrating the induction and Kathleen Skott-Myhre, M.A., C.H, is the subject.

1) Instruct the client to press down on the therapist’s outstretched hand. See figure 1.

Figure 1 Say "Press on my hand."
While she is pressing down, have your client close her eyes, giving the client two tasks to focus her attention on. See figure 2.

Figure 2 Say "Close your eyes."

2) While the client is pressing down on the therapist’s hand with her eyes closed, the therapist’s hand is suddenly removed, creating the startle response which lasts for a very short period of time, two seconds at the most. During the “instant” your client is in a state of high suggestibility. See figure 3.

Figure 3 Pull your hand out and your subject's hand suddenly falls.

3) The word, “SLEEP,” is said in an authoritative tone and delivery, which instantly induces a deep state of hypnosis. However, if this suggestion is not immediately followed by further suggestions for deepening, your client will emerge.

4) Short and simple suggestions for deepening, such as “go limp and relaxed, continuing to relax further with every breath. As I gently rock your head, your neck relaxes and that feeling of relaxation moves through your entire body.”

Figure 4 Instantly in a directive tone say, "Sleep! And as I gently rock your head you go deeper..."

In its shortest form, it is a powerful and reliable induction that can consist of only 8 words, ”Press on my hand. Close your eyes… Sleep!”

Certainly, more can be done to make the induction look more dramatic (which is something you may want to do in a demonstration or if you are doing stage hypnosis). But the beauty of the instant induction is its sheer simple elegance, so I prefer to keep it as short and simple as it can be. I firmly believe that the shorter the induction is, the more reliable it will be, all other things being equal.

Variations on this simple theme are endless, and once you understand the four essential parts (focus, startle response, “sleep” and deepening) you can go on to create your own versions. The one weakness of the induction is that it does not have a test for depth of hypnosis in it. This is why I recommend that after the initial deepening has been performed, that you borrow a procedure from the Dave Elman induction. Suggest that the client now relax her mind, by counting and relaxing her mind more and more with each number, until they have faded away to nothing. When your client fades the numbers away, you have guided your client into a hypnotic state equivalent (at least) to the threshold of somnambulism or deeper. The losing of the numbers is evidence of amnesia by suggestion, a well accepted test for the threshold of somnambulism.

After achieving the threshold of somnambulism, we recommend that you perform a simple deepening, like counting down from 1 to 5 with suggestion of going deeper. Do this and you will have her in a wonderful state for doing even the most powerful hypnotic techniques, such as hypnotic age regression (with true revivification).

A few words of caution is in order. Because this instant induction requires a hand drop which initially startles your client, you would be ill-advised to use it on someone who is suffering from shoulder, back neck problems or any client with a history of heart problems. Also, this induction does require that you touch your client. Some hypnotherapists prefer not to do so. And, in some rare occasions a client may not be willing to give permission to be touched. Although in our experience, most clients are willing to be touched on the hand, arm, shoulder and forehead as part of a hypnosis session. We have conducted over eight thousand sessions in the last six years and less than ten clients have indicated that they did not want to be touched during the session. And, of course, if the laws where you practice do not allow you to touch your clients, then you would be unable to use this induction method.

Remember, conducting a good pre-talk with your clients is an essential part of the hypnosis process. This is especially true when using instant inductions. Your clients must understand that hypnosis is safe and natural. They must also understand that it is important to follow your instructions.

Consider adding instant inductions to your practice. They are simple, effective and highly reliable. I believe that they always work! Isn’t that what you have always wanted out of a hypnotic induction anyway?

Hypnotic inductions

Hypnotic telepathy

hypnotics world - telepathyTelepathy and Mind Control: What is the Difference?

Mind control ( for our purposes) refers to the naturally CHARISMATIC and powerful energy of influence that the conversational hypnosis practitioner projects. It is the art and science of SUCCESS when it comes to eloquence that transcends mere conversation - it is about body cues, leanings, DEEP understanding of someone's most innermost desires, and simply mastering all of the tools necessary to be, quite simply - irresistible to others.

Telepathy is something a wee bit different. It is about the thought transfer, between people, that does NOT require verbal communication to speak volumes about what was said..:-) By MOST peoples dictionaries, this is a paranormal process. ( ie - is commonly associated with psychic phenomena) The conversational hypnosis practitioners recognizes that telepathy is just a fancy name for what he or she is already doing....receiving POWERFUL messages from other people WITHOUT the need to have them spoken aloud.

We don't necessarily ascribe a paranormal parlance to the process ( in other words - we don't think practice it the way it might be shown on Buffy the Vampire Slayer..:-) but it is EQUALLY as effective as a tool, and a way of getting information effectively, simply by watching, listening and OBSERVING the non - verbal cues that a subject may yield through the conversation that takes place when NO words are spoken! And this, as you know...is where some of the most EXCITING exchanges take place..;-)

And remember, to become POWERFULLY magnetic should be the aspiration of EVERY man (or woman) who simply wants to SUCK all of the JOY and juice out of life and eat from the fruits of unlimited power, PASSION and potential. I believe we are EACH given the ability to focus our MINDS, and our desires on that which we DESPERATELY wish to achieve, and that THIS is the fundamental truth and promise that hypnosis holds for all who dare to indulge in it's secrets.

Unlocking your own hidden potentials, and freeing yourself from FEARS, phobias and unresolved issues is JUST the beginning. Once you learn the true key to how OTHER people's brains really tick, you will be able to effortlessly and ETHICALLY enter and occupy their mind space with CONFIDENCE and care, illuminating your own power, charisma and INFINITE appeal to all who gravitate to your space.

There is MAGIC in this world if you know where to look....for the mind control expert the GATES are OPEN!

Hypnotic telepathy

Christian hypnotic

Christian hypnotic worldHypnosis for Christians: Good or bad?

Hypnosis itself is neither good nor bad. Used wisely, it can help Christians as much as non-Christians to break bad habits and improve themselves. There are many accounts in the Bible of saints of God entering trance-like states that parallel self-hypnosis.

Christians, like non-Christians, can benefit from hypnosis. In itself, hypnosis is neither good nor bad. Neither right nor wrong.

You can use a knife to cut your food, or to kill someone. Similarly, you can use hypnosis to build self-confidence, lose weight, and have a tooth out without anaesthetic and without pain. Or you can use it in voodoo rituals to scare people and make them susceptible to occult practices.

But you also may be taking medication that you may not know is derived from plants that jungle shamans and medicine men have used for centuries in non-Christian spiritual healings. Many of the largest pharmaceutical companies have worked side by side with shamans to find ingredients that the shamans have used in healing. Do we refuse to take life-saving drugs because their roots are in sorcery? Of course not.

Informed Christians rarely take a stand against hypnosis these days (except against its use in stage shows, the occult, or voodoo-style practices), because the benefits are so well documented. A Harvard study showed that hypnosis helped broken bones heal faster and also that women who had breast surgery recovered much more quickly after hypnosis.

Those who strongly oppose it have failed to document examples to prove their case. Some opponents even use bad logic by saying that because we can't explain how hypnosis works then it must be bad. Can they explain how their thought processes work? How planes fly? How bees make honey? Perhaps they should ban thought, air travel, honey products, and everything else they don't understand.

Christian hypnotic

Hypnotize me now with hypnotic eyes

We have some pictures collection about Hypnotize me now with hypnotic eyes below.
Hypnotize me now with hypnotic eyes
Hypnotize me now with hypnotic eyes
Hypnotize me now with hypnotic eyes

Hypnotize me now with hypnotic eyes

Hypnotize me now with hypnotic eyes
Hypnotize me now with hypnotic eyes

Hypnotic smoking

Hypnotic smoking - hypnotic worldMillions of people suffer from the effects of undesirable habits, such as excessive smoking, drinking, etc. Multitudes of these individuals go through life with decreased efficiency, distraught nerves, and a sense of futility and frustration. They are unable to break the compelling force of negative habit by themselves. They need help; but do not know where to find it. Many appeal to their physicians. But, unless the physician has learned to use hypnotism, there is little he can do except give good advice; and every doctor knows that good advice is of little value in cases of excessive smoking or alcoholism. The victim knows the habit is injurious; he is desperately anxious to stop; but cannot do so. Through hypnotic suggestion, he can be helped.

For example, an excessive smoker is told, while under hypnosis, that the cigar or cigarette he is smoking does not taste good. You may say, "It stinks—it is bitter—it tastes bad—throw it away—here, wash your mouth out (with a real or imaginary glass of water). Now every time you put one in your mouth it will turn your stomach—you will lose your taste for smoking—you will no longer want to smoke—you are through with smoking!"

Having thus implanted the negative idea, you will now proceed to the positive phase of the treatment, something as follows: "You have decided that you are through with smoking—you will lose the desire to smoke—you are strong—you are powerful—you have perfect command—from now on you will demonstrate that you are stronger than this habit—no force can break down your iron determination—every time you refuse to smoke, it will be easier the next time to say, 'No!'—the habit is broken!" Use a strong, commanding tone in giving these suggestions.

To test the patient you may offer him a smoke after he is awake. If he starts to put it in his mouth, stop him and say quietly, "I don't think you had better put that in your mouth—it will not taste good—forget it—you don't need to smoke now—when you start to take a smoke again stop and think how much better you will feel if you throw it away—the more often you do this, the less you will want to smoke, and you will soon be entirely cured of the habit." These suggestions will impress upon the conscious mind the suggestions already given to the subconscious, thus forming another constructive association of ideas.

Hypnotic smoking

Hypnotic telepathy

hypnotics world - telepathyTelepathy and Mind Control: What is the Difference?

Mind control ( for our purposes) refers to the naturally CHARISMATIC and powerful energy of influence that the conversational hypnosis practitioner projects. It is the art and science of SUCCESS when it comes to eloquence that transcends mere conversation - it is about body cues, leanings, DEEP understanding of someone's most innermost desires, and simply mastering all of the tools necessary to be, quite simply - irresistible to others.

Telepathy is something a wee bit different. It is about the thought transfer, between people, that does NOT require verbal communication to speak volumes about what was said..:-) By MOST peoples dictionaries, this is a paranormal process. ( ie - is commonly associated with psychic phenomena) The conversational hypnosis practitioners recognizes that telepathy is just a fancy name for what he or she is already doing....receiving POWERFUL messages from other people WITHOUT the need to have them spoken aloud.

We don't necessarily ascribe a paranormal parlance to the process ( in other words - we don't think practice it the way it might be shown on Buffy the Vampire Slayer..:-) but it is EQUALLY as effective as a tool, and a way of getting information effectively, simply by watching, listening and OBSERVING the non - verbal cues that a subject may yield through the conversation that takes place when NO words are spoken! And this, as you know...is where some of the most EXCITING exchanges take place..;-)

And remember, to become POWERFULLY magnetic should be the aspiration of EVERY man (or woman) who simply wants to SUCK all of the JOY and juice out of life and eat from the fruits of unlimited power, PASSION and potential. I believe we are EACH given the ability to focus our MINDS, and our desires on that which we DESPERATELY wish to achieve, and that THIS is the fundamental truth and promise that hypnosis holds for all who dare to indulge in it's secrets.

Unlocking your own hidden potentials, and freeing yourself from FEARS, phobias and unresolved issues is JUST the beginning. Once you learn the true key to how OTHER people's brains really tick, you will be able to effortlessly and ETHICALLY enter and occupy their mind space with CONFIDENCE and care, illuminating your own power, charisma and INFINITE appeal to all who gravitate to your space.

There is MAGIC in this world if you know where to look....for the mind control expert the GATES are OPEN!

Hypnotic telepathy

Hypnotic organic disorders

Hypnotic world - organic disordersWhile nearly all medical hypnotists have limited their treatment to functional cases, in which there has been no apparent organic basis for the disorder; some experiments have been made in the treatment of organic disease. A recent statement in an Army medical journal reports the extensive use of hypnotism in the removal of warts. It has been successfully employed by dermatologists in the treatment of eczema and other skin disorders. Numerous reports are on record of successful use of hypnosis in treating a wide variety of disorders of apparent organic nature; but there is always the suspicion that the condition may have been functional, even where the symptoms indicated an organic disorder.

Without taking a positive position on this much-disputed matter, I wish to suggest that hypnotism can, at least, be effectively used to hasten the cure, in conjunction with whatever other methods of therapy may be employed.

Hypnotic organic disorders

Hypnotic mistress pictures

These our some collection about Hypnotic mistress pictures below :
Hypnotic mistress pictures
Hypnotic mistress
Hypnotic mistress pictures

Hypnotic mistress pictures

Hypnotic mistress pictures
Hypnotic mistress pictures

Hypnotic, therapeuticuse of hypnosis

Hypnotic, therapeuticuse of hypnosisThe therapeutics of suggestion are based on the fact that a number of diseases can be relieved or cured merely by making the patient believe he will get better, and strongly impressing this belief in his mind. Every capable physician uses this technique to some extent even though he may do so unconsciously. The patient's faith in the doctor and his belief in the efficacy of whatever treatment may be given, is an important factor in all therapy. This use of suggestive therapy is as old as the practice of medicine itself. What hypnotism does is to multiply many times over the force of the suggestion through the greater susceptibility of the patient under hypnosis.

If suggestion is to be successful, the patient must believe he will get well! It is not always possible for the physician to implant this faith and expectancy in the patient's mind. Hypnotism is a means to this end. With the conscious mind in abeyance, the subconscious readily accepts the healing suggestions. No patient under complete hypnosis can resist the influence of the suggestions given by the operator.

In 1880 Berger conducted a series of notable experiments proving the effectiveness of hypnotic suggestion as a therapeutic agent. He reported that a hemiplegic patient easily made movements under hypnosis he was unable to make when awake. He saw locomotor ataxia cases cease to stagger under hypnosis. Other physicians experimenting with hypnosis in this period, reported induction and removal, through hypnosis, of fractures and paralysis. But to LiƩbault must go the credit of first reducing hypnotic therapy to scientific treatment. His work was carried on and extended by Bernheim, Forel and others who followed.

Thus far, functional neurosis is the chief field for hypnotherapy, i.e. nervous disorders with no organic lesion or derangement. But out of the very considerable literature available, we will indicate some of the other disorders which have yielded to this treatment.

Hypnosis has been employed to cure all types of pains having no anatomical basis, such as: chronic headaches, abdominal pain, ovarian, neuralgic and rheumatic pains, hysterical disturbances with resulting paralysis of the extremities, hysterical vomiting, polyuria, menstrual pains, loss of appetite, nausea in pregnancy, alcoholism, etc.

Brugelmann reports its successful use in cases of nervous asthma: Forel, Bernard and Schmidt in chronic constipation; Mollerup and Clutnoff in nervous ocular disturbances; Krafft-Ebing, Ladame and others in non-congenital sexual perversions; Heim and others in the prevention of sea-sickness; Barband in cases of vaginism. Successful treatment of chronic alcoholism has been reported by Forel, Wetterstrand, Carval and many others.

Hypnotic, therapeuticuse of hypnosis

Hypnotics obstetrics

Hypnotics obstetrics - hypnotic worldMany cases have been reported of painless childbirth under hypnosis.Treatments should be started as early as possible during the period of pregnancy. Nausea and other common complications can be prevented; and the general health and mental attitude of the patient improved through the use of suitable hypnotic suggestion. Start giving the suggestion that no pain will be experienced at the time of delivery and that everything will proceed normally. Just before delivery, induce deep hypnotic sleep and repeatedly suggest, "There will be no pain—You will help in every way the delivery — with no pain, etc.

I sincerely trust that the doctors and dentists which use hypnotism as indicated with their patients will meet with great success. I shall be most happy to receive reports of the successful use of this technique.

In closing, may I once more stress the absolute necessity of complete self-confidence upon the part of the operator. You must feel that you cannot fail; that the patient will certainly fall into a hypnotic sleep and accept all of your suggestions. Also, may I repeat that, as in acquiring any art, practice and perseverance are essential.Practise on non-patients until you fortify your own self-confidence by finding you can hypnotise other subjects. Then you will be ready to
use hypnosis in the treatment of your patients.

Hypnotics obstetrics

Goddess hypnotic spirals

hypnotic goddess spiral
Hypnosis spirals are something I've always found to be quite facinating. The way they spin and hold your attention, they become very interesting to watch. There is of course the basic black and white spiral but it doesn't end there. Many different colors can be applied to produce a beautiful blending of colors within a spiral.

A goddess is a female deity. Many cultures have goddesses. Most often these goddesses are part of a polytheistic system that includes several deities. Pantheons in various cultures can include both goddesses and gods, and in some cases also intersex deities.

In both ancient and modern cultures, the symbolism of gendered deities is open to a wide variety of interpretations. The primacy of a monotheistic or near-monotheistic goddess is advocated by some modern matriarchists and pantheists[who?] as a female version of, or analogue to, the Abrahamic god. In some feminist circles the Abrahamic god is perceived as being rooted in the patriarchal concept of dominance — to the exclusion of feminine concepts.

Goddess hypnotic spirals
Goddess hypnotic spirals

Goddess hypnotic spirals

Goddess hypnotic spirals
Goddess hypnotic spirals

Christian hypnotic

Christian hypnotic worldHypnosis for Christians: Good or bad?

Hypnosis itself is neither good nor bad. Used wisely, it can help Christians as much as non-Christians to break bad habits and improve themselves. There are many accounts in the Bible of saints of God entering trance-like states that parallel self-hypnosis.

Christians, like non-Christians, can benefit from hypnosis. In itself, hypnosis is neither good nor bad. Neither right nor wrong.

You can use a knife to cut your food, or to kill someone. Similarly, you can use hypnosis to build self-confidence, lose weight, and have a tooth out without anaesthetic and without pain. Or you can use it in voodoo rituals to scare people and make them susceptible to occult practices.

But you also may be taking medication that you may not know is derived from plants that jungle shamans and medicine men have used for centuries in non-Christian spiritual healings. Many of the largest pharmaceutical companies have worked side by side with shamans to find ingredients that the shamans have used in healing. Do we refuse to take life-saving drugs because their roots are in sorcery? Of course not.

Informed Christians rarely take a stand against hypnosis these days (except against its use in stage shows, the occult, or voodoo-style practices), because the benefits are so well documented. A Harvard study showed that hypnosis helped broken bones heal faster and also that women who had breast surgery recovered much more quickly after hypnosis.

Those who strongly oppose it have failed to document examples to prove their case. Some opponents even use bad logic by saying that because we can't explain how hypnosis works then it must be bad. Can they explain how their thought processes work? How planes fly? How bees make honey? Perhaps they should ban thought, air travel, honey products, and everything else they don't understand.

Christian hypnotic

Hypnotic girl

These are some collection about Hypnotic girl pictures below :
Hypnotic girl - hypnotic world
Hypnotic girl
Hypnotic girl - hypnotic world

Hypnotic girl - hypnotic world

Hypnotic girl - hypnotic world
Hypnotic girl

Hypnotic eyes

Hypnotic eyes - hypnotic worldThe Mind's Eye. The Inner Eye. If you've heard these two phrases before then most likely you've heard of the Third Eye. It is believed that everyone has three eyes: two are physical (they're plain as the eyes can see); the third eye is spiritual; and when opened either through meditation or third eye hypnosis, you unlock the door to numerous possibilities of looking in to the future.

Chances are you've had a few intuitive moments before in your past: you've thought of a friend you haven't talked with in awhile, and the next day she called. You've thought of an episode from one of your favorite television shows and the following night it was on TV. This is more than a mere coincidence. This is you glimpsing at your psychic self. When you open your third eye, you open yourself up to even more psychic abilities because the eye is the site where we receive psychic impressions.

The Third Eye is associated with the pineal gland in the brain. The pineal gland is dormant in most people. French philosopher Rene Descartes believed the pineal gland to be "the seat of the soul" where mind and body intersect. In most, the pineal gland is dormant. When you meditate or use third eye hypnosis to open the eye, you bring that gland to life. You literally open your eye up to a whole other spiritual world.

Once you've opened your third eye, you may develop certain new abilities: telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance. You may see auras, chakras, or spirit beings. You may also experience precognition, which is the ability to see into the future. There's a whole new spiritual world at your fingertips.

So see what the world holds for you (and others); open your third eye through meditation or third eye hypnosis.

Hypnotic eyes - hypnotic world
Hypnotic eyes

Hypnotic eyes - hypnotic world

Hypnotic eyes - hypnotic world

Hypnotic eyes - hypnotic world

Hypnotic eyes - hypnotic worldHypnotic eyes