Hypnotic the braid method

Hypnotic the braid method - hypnotic worldAs indicated in the first lesson, Dr. Braid, who gave hypnotism its name, used the method of focusing the attention of the subject on some mechanical object, held a few inches above the eyes; so as to create an optical strain, which would aid in making the eyelids heavy, and in inducing the hypnotic sleep. This method is still used by some practitioners. The main objection is that it requires considerable time, usually from six to twelve minutes, and the strain on the eyes might possibly give the subject a slight headache. The direct suggestive method seems equally effective, and is much quicker. I have demonstrated in my radio programmers, and in many public and private demonstrations, that it is possible to hypnotize an individual in a matter of a few seconds, without resorting to any mechanical means whatsoever. With the Braid method, in addition to the focusing of the eyes on a bright object, suggestions to induce sleep, which will be explained a little later in this lesson, are also given.

Hypnotic the braid method


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