Hypnotic organic disorders

Hypnotic world - organic disordersWhile nearly all medical hypnotists have limited their treatment to functional cases, in which there has been no apparent organic basis for the disorder; some experiments have been made in the treatment of organic disease. A recent statement in an Army medical journal reports the extensive use of hypnotism in the removal of warts. It has been successfully employed by dermatologists in the treatment of eczema and other skin disorders. Numerous reports are on record of successful use of hypnosis in treating a wide variety of disorders of apparent organic nature; but there is always the suspicion that the condition may have been functional, even where the symptoms indicated an organic disorder.

Without taking a positive position on this much-disputed matter, I wish to suggest that hypnotism can, at least, be effectively used to hasten the cure, in conjunction with whatever other methods of therapy may be employed.

Hypnotic organic disorders


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